Variocage Saves Lives! - K&J Custom Dog Crates

Variocage Saves Lives!

I own a pair of Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) dogs. We left the house at 4:30am traveling to a dog sport competition. We were only a mile into our drive when a terrible accident occurred. 

I was impacted broadside at high speed and knocked unconscious. I woke up in the ambulance as it was pulling away and immediately asked about my dogs. However, I quickly passed out again before they could even answer.

The next time I woke up was in the emergency room. I received a phone call from the investigator. During our call, the investigator stated that my dogs were fine and had it not been for the Variocage they wouldn’t have survived. I was so happy and so relieved that they were uninjured. 

I was reunited with my dogs after I was released from the hospital. We were all very excited to see each other and very happy to be together again.