Safe, Confident Travel for My Precious Dog - K&J Custom Dog Crates

Safe, Confident Travel for My Precious Dog

To all of you at Variocage,

Thank you for building such a wonderful product.

When I set out to purchase a dog crate, Many of the features I was looking for directing me to buy a Variocage. Fit, design, ventilation, and overall comfort for the dog, were features I was considering. Little did I know how much I would appreciate the safety built in for a crash/impact situation.

Early one foggy morning , we were on the way to training , when a 7×7 huge buck suddenly came up out of the ditch and crashed into the side of my Honda Pilot.

When I was able to clear myself off of the road I immediately checked on my dog. His ears were at half-mast looking at me like , “What the heck mom? “.

I was not able to open my door so I crawled over the console and got out the other side went back and when I got my dog out and looked him over, I was so relieved to see he had no injuries at all.

After just a moment of gaining his composure he was like…Let’s go training! He had no hesitation about getting back into the crate either.

The impact had crushed a corner at the back of the cage and yet absorbed the impact and kept my dog safe. Thank you , thank you, thank you.

Please feel free to share this information with anyone considering the purchase of one of your crates.

Please let them know the confidence I have inputting my precious dog inside for safe travel.

Truly grateful,
