Car flipped, thank you for saving my dogs life - K&J Custom Dog Crates

Car flipped, thank you for saving my dogs life

Yesterday I fell asleep at the wheel on the Hwy going 70+mph. I didn’t wake up until I hit the rumble strips on the other side of the road (crossed lanes). My car flipped and rolled 4 times. 

The police officer said the sturdiest thing in the car was the kennel. My dog walked away without injury. She was held by animal control overnight and we picked her up this morning. She had a check over at the vet’s and they said everything looks okay. They all said she would have died had it not been for the kennel and I myself am lucky to be alive. 

I have a laceration to the head, bruised lung, cut hand, swelling, etc. 

The car is completely toast and there is no removing the Kennel from the car. My insurance company will be picking up the vehicle today. The kennel was appropriately strapped in. 

Thank you so much for saving her life.

Lauren Richards