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True Life Testimonials

Variocage Saves Lives!
I own a pair of Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) dogs. We left the house at 4:30am traveling to a dog sport competition. We were only a mile into our drive when a terrible accident occurred.  I was impacted broadside at...
Semi-Truck – hit from behind
I exited onto 79 South from 70 east, I was 3 cars behind a semi-truck climbing a hill. A guy in a large work truck type vehicle (Ford F-250/350) rear ended me at full speed.  The rear hatch took the...
So glad I had the Variocage
We were traveling on a two lane state road.  Traffic stopped abruptly.  I stopped in time, but the truck (Ram 1500) behind me did not and rear-ended our Subaru forester and pushed us into the car in front.   The tail...
Car flipped, thank you for saving my dogs life
Yesterday I fell asleep at the wheel on the Hwy going 70+mph. I didn’t wake up until I hit the rumble strips on the other side of the road (crossed lanes). My car flipped and rolled 4 times. The police officer...
I’m Impressed how the Variocage worked so well
I was stopped in traffic at a stoplight on a 4-lane road that had traffic in all lanes. I was either the 2nd or 3rd vehicle at the light.  A truck slammed into me from behind and careened off the rear end...
Head on Collision at 40mph
Sienna, my Bichon, and I were headed to our weekly rally class around 7pm this past Wednesday.  As I was entering an intersection (with the right of way) on a fairly busy road, a car in the oncoming lane unexpectedly...
Police dog kept safe and secure
At 1725 hours Sergeant Beck was rear ended on WB Central at Chama. The driver and passenger of the vehicle that hit him, a Black Isuzu Rodeo, fled on foot in different directions and were unable to be located.  APD...
Crash Tested Variocage Saves Lives. On December 11th I was rear ended on I-95.  I was in the fast lane and had to slow down for traffic. I had my two young collies with me at the time. The car behind...
Thank you for making such a great quality and safe travel crate🙌
Early this morning I was involved in a car accident. I hit a patch of ice going 60mph on the interstate. I slid across 3 lanes of traffic hitting the guard rail head on, bounced off, then spun back across...
Car Fire – My dog is alive, uninjured, safe and is with me today.
Last month, an electrical short in a taillight caused my vehicle to catch fire while inches away, my dog was laying in his Variocage.  An observant, quick-thinking bystander noticed the flames and swiftly extinguished the fire before the first responders...
Variocage Kept My Dog Safe
On Saturday March 23, 2019 I was driving on a country road. I dozed off, ran off the road, hit a tree, went through a barbed wire fence and ended up in a pasture, (no cows were harmed). My first...
Variocage Saved my Dog’s Life
It was late at night 1/10/19 when I was leaving my parent’s house to go home. I loaded my dog up in my variocage and started the short highway trip to my apartment. As I was exiting the highway I...
Variocage XXL saved my dogs lives
Two things were made clear to me especially after seeing the pictures…the BMW beautifully built vehicle saved my life, and the Variocage XXL saved my dogs lives. I blacked out and have NO recollection of the actual accident but apparently...
Variocage Wins!
I was traveling 55 on a highway and around a blind corner, traffic was stopped. I didn’t even have time to hit the breaks and rear ended the vehicle in front of me, which crushed the whole front of my...
Variocage Saved My Dog’s Lives
“…my car was impacted on the passenger’s side, lifted in the air, and flipped over…The dogs and I were able to get out of the car without major injuries. The crate (Variocage) survived, and obviously saved my dogs lives.” –...
Anita & Dash – How the Variocage Durability Saved My Dog’s Life
The accident occurred whilst driving on the interstate approaching the tollbooths; I was in the Sun Pass Lane, travelling around 40 miles an hour. We were driving a Subaru Forester. There was a fair amount of traffic and a couple...
Variocage vs. Box Truck
I was in an accident today. A box truck ran into my RAV4 while stopped at a light. They were likely going 40mph or so. I had an empty double XXL Variocage in the cargo area. The divider was only...
Terrifying Accident, but Unharmed because of the Variocage
One very early morning in September 2016, I was driving my Portuguese Water Dog Violet to an All Breed competition hosted by the Tuxedo Park Kennel Club. As I approached my exit from the state highway, the cars in the...
Skeptical Buyer, but Variocages Pass the Wreck Test
When I first started looking at a Variocage, I was surprised at how much they cost. Are they worth it? Does the crate really do such a great job in a wreck? I am a sceptic by nature, so it...
Safe, Confident Travel for My Precious Dog
To all of you at Variocage, Thank you for building such a wonderful product. When I set out to purchase a dog crate, Many of the features I was looking for directing me to buy a Variocage. Fit, design, ventilation,...
Van was demolished, but Variocage was virtually indestructible
I had a very scary thing happen this winter, I just arrived home in snow storm with very high winds from doing an overnight shift at work. I parked my van in the driveway and went into the house. No...