Crash Tested Variocage Saves Lives.
On December 11th I was rear ended on I-95.
I was in the fast lane and had to slow down for traffic. I had my two young collies with me at the time. The car behind me didn’t slow down at all. The driver said he had fallen asleep.
I was hit at full speed, easily 80+ MPH and pushed across the highway. I ended up in the right lane facing the opposite direction. I was able to turn and get my car on to the shoulder of the highway.
The impact was so severe that the driver’s side door and the hatch door were jammed. My dogs were safe, and I was able to get them out of the vehicle.
I honestly believe we were all spared thanks to the Variocage. It took most of the impact and saved the lives of my dogs and my life as well.
Thank you!
Alexo Gritsipis
Life Saving Engineering… Proven Real World Performance
Variocage Saves Lives in 80+ Mile Per Hour Rear End Collision
- Accident occurred in the I-95 Fast Lane when the driver slowed for traffic and was hit at 80+ MPH.
- VarioCage deformation zone performed as designed during the explosive impact of the rear end collision.
- VarioCage compressed and absorbed tremendous crash energy without breaking the Variocage or the 2nd Row Seat.
- Crash Tested VarioCage protected both the dogs and the passengers in the vehicle from injuries.
- Variocage uses special steel and biomechanics engineering to absorb impacts and energy to avoid trauma.
- Variocage deforms to soak up energy saving the dogs lives on impact from all angles, we call it Safety 360.