Variocage Wins! - K&J Custom Dog Crates

Variocage Wins!

I was traveling 55 on a highway and around a blind corner, traffic was stopped. I didn’t even have time to hit the breaks and rear ended the vehicle in front of me, which crushed the whole front of my Honda Pilot, and pushed the vehicle in front of me so hard that it hit the van in front of it and was crushed front and rear. The Variocage was fully extended (about 41”), and upon impact, it telescoped in to a length of about 31”. The force of the back of the cage against the back seat smooshed the seams on the back of the cage flat. The forced compression of telescoping in also misaligned the metal where it slides together on top. Otherwise, everything remained intact. There was one dog (German Shepherd) on one side of the cage and the other side was empty. The dog was not harmed, just a little shook up.

Kathi Glenwinkel