Variocage Kept My Dog Safe - K&J Custom Dog Crates

Variocage Kept My Dog Safe

On Saturday March 23, 2019 I was driving on a country road. I dozed off, ran off the road, hit a tree, went through a barbed wire fence and ended up in a pasture, (no cows were harmed). My first thought was to get to Kiz, my little sheltie. She was the only one of my four that was with me. My car dialed 911 right after I stopped and I tried to tell them where I was and talk to them, at the same time running around my car trying to get Kiz out. A couple had stopped by then to help me. I handed my phone to the guy to talk to 911 so I could focus on Kiz. I was worried since so much damage had been done to the front of the car of what might be happening under the car. The back lift gate would not open. I’m not sure why it wouldn’t, but I was beginning to panic until I remembered the escape hatch in the back of the crate. I put my seats down, took off the easy hand screws that hold the escape door in, removed it and was able to get her out. She didn’t want to come to me at first, so I had to reach in to the other side to pull her to me. Kiz was good, with no issues at all. I am so grateful for the Variocage she was in because it kept her safe when I needed it the most. Since the back of the car wasn’t really touched I didn’t think that anything had happened to the crate, but when we got it out of the car and carefully inspected it we could see where there was a small amount of compression. When I saw that it made me even more grateful. There is no telling what would have happened had she been in the wire crates that I previously used.

Thank you!

Dee Anna Gamel