Variocage XXL saved my dogs lives - K&J Custom Dog Crates

Variocage XXL saved my dogs lives

Two things were made clear to me especially after seeing the pictures…the BMW beautifully built vehicle saved my life, and the Variocage XXL saved my dogs lives.

I blacked out and have NO recollection of the actual accident but apparently I stepped on the accelerator flipped both hood to end AND rolled.  The vehicle took its most damage back in the “cargo” section where the Variocage was place ala instructions against the upright back seat.

I firmly believe, to the point where I am in the process of repeating both Car and Variocage, in the system I had set up.  It fit the car snuggly, the Vario fit my life style of performance with the dogs both in the herding and Obedience worlds with its excellent ventilation and lockable doors.  The dogs were comfortable and I feel secure.

The car was “shrink” wrapped for transportation so no shattered glass would escape onto the road bed, hence the “filmy” look in a couple of shots.

Your willingness to follow thru on your warranty is a blessing and thank you; it is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Mary Lott